The VIC Gastronomy Club is back!

The pandemic is far from over but we are decided to attempt resuming our activities. In order to reduce the risks we will start small and hold events smaller in attendance (max 10 people for this event, first come - first serve). We are looking forward to our delicious adventures and to meet fellow gourmets, colleagues, and friends. 

Our next event which is planned quite spontaneously, is the direct sequel to our “alphabet dinner” series: we had Afghan food in early 2020 and we will now be sampling Bangladeshi food. 

Date & time:  Wednesday 18/08 at 7 pm

Restaurant name: Grüner Schatten

Cuisine:         Bangladeshi 

Address:         Lustkandlgasse 48, 1090 Wien

Please confirm your attendance by registering using this Google form (maximum of 10 people for this event, first come - first serve).


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